NACFA Rules and Procedures

  1. Only rams of multiple births will be registered. Any lamb of breeder’s choice, including single-born ram lambs or cross-bred lambs, may be recorded for R.O.M. purposes only. (Rule amended 9/29/91) The NACFA shall register all lambs, including single rams, resulting from imported embryo transfer or artificial insemination used on Registry of Merit (R.O.M.) ewes. (Rule amended 9/23/01)
    A Certificate of Service form obtained from the NACFA webpage, or from the Breed Secretary, with the required documentation will be required in addition to the registration application to register all lambs resulting from artificial insemination, embryo transfer, live service with a leased ram, or ewes sold as bred. (Rule amended 9/24/23)
  2. All sheep belonging to members of the society must bear flock identification tattoos. Registration application forms require the following statement: “I certify that this animal has been tattooed and identified by the flock letters, year letter, and individual number noted.”
  3. The whole premise of the Clun Forest breed is based on performance: i.e., prolificacy, mothering, milking, ease of lambing, ease of handling, and longevity. Therefore at the present time, the NACFA does not encourage show ring competition for Clun Forest sheep. To respond to interest in the breed, animals will be available for exhibition, but not for competitive judging.
    In Canada, where showing of registered sheep accompanied by production records is a condition of sale, showing will be allowed.
  4. The NACFA has established a Registry of Merit for qualified ewes. To qualify, a ewe must a) have lambed without assistance, and b) have raised to at least 60 days 6 or more lambs by the time she is 41/2 years of age. A ewe’s lambs must have been registered or recorded in the year of birth in order to be applied to her record. Any lamb of breeder’s choice, including single-born ram lambs or cross-bred lambs, may be recorded for R.O.M. purposes only.
  5. Rules for registering sheep:
    a) The individual to be registered must be purebred, with sire, dam, grandsires and granddams previously registered in the NACFA, the Canadian Livestock Registry, the British Clun Forest Society, the Clun Forest Association of France, or the Netherlands Clun Forest Assocation
    b) Individual sheep to be registered must be tattooed with the breeder’s flock letters in the sheep’s right ear and the sheep’s flock number and year letter in the left ear. [Flock letters are assigned to breeders by the secretary of the NACFA. The year letter is announced each fall in the minutes of the annual meeting.]
    (10/11/86, Rule amended 9/24/17)
    c) Application for registration will be made only on forms obtained from the Secretary or via the online Registration Application by the breeder, who is defined as the owner of the dam at the time of breeding (exception: the owner of a lamb bought in dam may apply for registration, but must include a written statement signed by the breeder attesting to the pedigree information.) (Rule amended 9/24/17) Exception: The owner of a lamb(s) bought in dam (ewe purchased as bred) may apply for registration, but is required to submit a Certificate of Service form with the required documentation from the breeder to the Breed Secretary in addition to the registration application to register all resulting lambs. The breeder, in such instance, is defined as the owner of the dam at the time of lambing; and therefore will tattoo their flock letters in the lamb’s right ear. (Rule amended 9/24/23)
    If lambs are sold before registration is actually made, the new owner’s name goes on the front of the certificate, and the fee for transfer will be charged. It is preferable to register lambs during the year of their birth, but later registries, if bona fide, are accepted. (11/1/77)
    d) Registered names are limited to 22 spaces. The name must include either a) the breeder’s last name or b) a farm or flock name or c) flock letters. Whichever option is selected should be used consistently.
    e) Animals originally registered in Canada and then sold into the U.S. must be re-registered with the NACFA. The usual fee will be charged and the Canadian papers, plus the NACFA papers, will be returned to the owner.
  6. All lambs with dark fleece beyond 6 months of age must be reported to the secretary at the time of application for registration, and will carry a special “Q” code on their registrations. (9/25/83), and have a “Q” at the end of their registered name. (Rule amended 9/24/23)
  7. Lambs born from an embryo transplant shall be designated by a registration number followed by the letter “E.” Import frozen semen sires are designated with the letters “AI” in the pedigree database. (9/27/92, Rule amended 9/24/23)
  8. When a registered animal is culled from a flock, the secretary should be so informed, and the NACFA records should be so marked.